Unfixed Deposit

Unfixed Deposit

40 Years Fixed deposit Vs Sensex : A yearly rollover in a bank fixed deposit over 40 years would convert Rs.10/- into Rs.377/-, taking an average bank FD Rate of 9.5% over the past 40 years ending March 2019. The sensex, in the same period would convert Rs. 10/- into Rs.3867/-. That’s a difference of more than 10 times to…

April 1, 2019


Think smart, think differently

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Think smart, think differently

Rich is a relative term, hence, by definition, very few people can be rich! The…

September 20, 2018


Equity investments – Lazy…

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Equity investments – Lazy…

The best advice that I ever got for my investments was to “leave it alone”.…

August 4, 2017